There are many important people in the world that have changed history, some for the better and some for the worst.  There isn't enough time to tell about them all so we are going to put the most known/most important on this page.

Groups of People


These people were the earliest humanlike creatures.  They were found in Africa about three to four million years ago.  The theory that the Australopithecines develoed out of apes is called evolution.

Homo Erectus

Homo erectus came after Australopithcines.  They came around about 1.5 million years ago.  These people were the ones who started making tools.  This group became extinct about a half million years ago.

Homo Sapiens

This group of people came after nomo erectus.  They were called "wise human beings."  This group of people were found about 250,000 years ago.  Both Homo Sapiens Sapiens and Neanderthals developed form Homo sapiens.


These people also evolved from Homo Sapiens.  They evolved around 100,000-30,000 BC.  They improved the tools from the Homo Erectus period.  This group of people were almost similar to the average person today.  Their brains and bodies were not developed as much as humans are.

Homo Sapiens Sapiens

The Homo Sapiens Sapiens came from the Homo Sapiens.  They came around about 150,000-200,000 years ago.  They are called "wise, wise human beings.  They replaced the Neanderthals.



Jesus is the most important person on this list according to most.  He saved the world and is the founder of Christianity.  Jesus lived at the 0 AD to 33 AD.  He is on this list because he changed the world and the lives of billions of people.  He also created a religion that is practiced by about 2 billion people still today.


Buddha is the founder of Buddhism.  He was a spriritual teacher in the Indian subcontinent when he was alive.  No one is sure of his official date of birth and death but it is said he lived from 563 BC-483 BC.  Buddha is an important person because he created a religion that is still practiced today.

The Prophet Muhammad

Muhammad grew up in Makkah and while he was praying he said that God told him that he was his prophet.  So Muhammad did what he was told by teaching but he had few followers, so he went to Madinah and gathered many followers.  He is the founder of Islamic faith.

Christopher Columbus

In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.  He was in search for America, but landed in the West Indies.  He thought he had discovered Ameria but he didn't, although he is given credit for it today.  He is on this list because he discovered new nations and explored new places.

Martin Luther

Martin Luther was the one who intiated the Protestant Reformation.  He is also known for writing his 95 theseis.

George Washington

Washington is a founding father.  He was the first president of the United States of America.  He was also the general of the Revolutionary War.

Abraham Lincoln

Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States of America.  He was the president who abolished slavery.  This is important because African Americans might not have the rights they do today without Lincoln.

Malcom X

Malcom X was a human activist.  He wanted blacks to not be segregated from whites.  He thought all people were equal.  He wanted to change this but in a harmful way.  Although he wanted this, he still fought for what he believed in.  Malcom X was the man who made a pilgrimage to Mecca.  He was later assassinated in New York while giving a speech.

Nelson Mandela

Mandela was an anti-apartheid activist.  He was also the leader of the African National Congress.  He was later arrested for sabatoge and served 26 years in prison.  When he was released, he became the President of South Africa.  The Apartheid ended as well.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. was a civil rights activist.  He wanted all people to have equal rights regardless of skin color or religion.  His work went on even after he was assassinated.


Hitler was an evil man.  He was anti-sematic.  Hitler was the one who started the Holocaust.  He killed 6 million Jews.  Hitler did this because he thought that the Jews were trying to take over the Aryan race.  So he wanted to be superior over all.  After Hitler new he couldn't win over the Allies, Hitler killed himself.  WWII ended.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Some say he is the greatest president in American history.  FDR got the United States out of the Great Depression after the stock market crashed in 1929.  To get us out of the depression, FDR created programs such as the Social Security Act and the Federal Deposit Insurence Corporation, both of which still use today.